Leo Brawn
Leo Brawn, a new horror podcast from Shoestring TV. Leo Brawn, a former homicide detective killed in the line of duty turned demon hunter from Hell, has been summoned to South Florida to locate Phillip Weston. Phillip has seen better days; he lost his job, can't find his family and he's hearing mysterious voices and finding strange messages in his house. He is a man possessed, literally. Armed with his trusty briefcase, Leo investigates the Weston residence for signs of demonic possession but uncovers an evil far more terrifying than he could have possibly imagined.
Leo Brawn
Leo Brawn - Episode 10: Limbo
Eight-year-old Theo Banks doesn't know what happened to his mother the night before. That night, he woke to find his father in his room, talking to someone that wasn't there. The next morning, Theo is alone and goes on a journey to help his missing mother.
Meanwhile, Obsidian Recovery Agents, Leo, Willie, and Laurie embark on their biggest and most dangerous demon hunt yet. One that will find Leo learning what it takes to track a demon in Hell and a case that could mean the end for the agents.
- Stitch Mainville/Leo Brawn
- Andy Parkin/ Narrator 2
- Emily Fry/ Laurie Stryker
- Jim Fronk/ Beleth
- Eric Carlino/ Hugh Banks
- Terry Briscoe/ Willie Topaz
- Tabitha Mixon/ Jillian Burkett
- Mitch Leschinski/ Gorm
- Melrose Johnson/ Captain F.J. Mangutt
- Robb Smith/ Officer Turtletaub
- Nick Marrs/ Officer Shepherd
- Samantha deSuze/ Beatrice Banks
- Robert Lloyd/ Howard & Desk Officer
- Tabitha Mixon/ Jillian Burkett
- Logan Beard/ Theo Banks
- Jason Beard/ Deputy Maguire
- Aliana Rivera/ Onlooker
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The characters and events depicted in this podcast are fictional. Any similarity to any actual persons living or dead or to any actual events, firms, places and institutions or other entities is coincidental and unintentional. This podcast is protected under the laws of the United States and other countries. Its unauthorized duplication, distribution or exhibition may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution. Country of first publication; The United States of America. Leo Brawn c
*Headphones recommended.
Created, written, directed and produced by Jason Beard
Deep within the gloomy, dimly lit woodland of Limbo, a thick mist quietly roams across the land, once a forest, echoing with the hushed whispers of wandering lost souls. The transformation has rendered Limbo a quieted, desolate place Rotten black trees with molded burls standing at angles in a grove, arching downwards as if peering towards the blackened ground below. Sprouting from the trunk of the moldering trees are thick roots, unearthed and exposed. Coated in mist and murky dew, a hooded figure approaches the grove and kneels before the exposed roots. The mysterious cloaked presence thrusts its fist into the hardened dirt, firmly grasping the roots, and pulls at their stems, inching them out of the ground. It looks up at the hazy sky above as the hood falls away, revealing its hideous, demonic visage. The fiend closes its eyes, moans and sways back and forth in the dirt and rot. A sudden flash trembles across its horrifying brow and the demon's eyes open again. It gasps and growls and a half-grin appears on its malformed face.
Speaker 2:Mommy? Yes, honey, why aren't you sleeping? Baby, it's the middle of the night. There is someone in my room. What, where's your father? That's who is in my room. What, where's your father? That's who is in my room, but someone is pretending to be him. What do you mean, honey? It looks like him, but he doesn't move.
Speaker 3:Like Daddy, he smiles all the time Come here, honey, you stay right here, I'll go to your room and check it out.
Speaker 2:Please don't go, mommy Theo it will be okay.
Speaker 3:I promise Just stay right here and I'll be right back. Just gonna go check on Daddy I love you.
Speaker 1:East of the Mississippi River in St Charles County, in the township of Darden, an eight-year-old boy, theo Banks, leaves his home at first light wearing only his pyjamas and a backpack. His bare feet hurry down the doorstep at the front of his house and then the young boy makes haste towards refuge behind a parked sedan in the front yard. Theo pauses for a moment, catching his breath as he examines the front door of his house. Once he feels he is safe and that no one is coming for him, he opens his backpack and fetches a military-style compass. The antique brass World War II pocket compass passed down from his grandfather is discolored due to corrosion, but the floating dial still works perfectly. Theo turns the compass and observes as the dial travels slowly around the bevel ring until it points east. Compass and observes as the dial travels slowly around the bevel ring until it points east. He couldn't remember how he obtained the information but, being an observant child, he knew the nearest police station was in Cottleville and that Cottleville was east of Camino Trail, the street in which he lives. His dad had always said if he ever needed to get help if his parents weren't able to call Officer Tuttle Top in Cottleville. Unfortunately Theo couldn't make a phone call right now. The phone line wasn't dead, but he was frightened by the voices on the other end of the line. The compass points east, so Theo points east, so Theo heads east. Theo uses the Darden Creek as his guide.
Speaker 1:The young boy travels through harsh wind and rain. The ankles of his pajama bottoms become stained with mud. He crosses an intersecting creek holding his backpack over his head as he traverses through the neck-deep water. He loses his footing in the muck during his journey and tumbles down a small hill. The contents of his backpack spill out in all directions. Later, after retrieving his belongings, he looks towards the sky and observes as sunlight peeks through the weakening storm clouds. Further into his trip, theo can hear the low hum of large power lines overhead, aside from the occasional interesting landmark or flyby from a blue jay or white-crowned sparrow.
Speaker 1:Theo keeps his head lowered, his eyes to the ground, so as not to make eye contact in the rare chance he is spotted and could attract attention. The rural landscape in this sparsely populated township has made this secretive hike all the more covert. But he doesn't want to take any chances or spark the interest of someone wanting to help a soiled and desperate eight-year-old boy, theo, attempts to stay on task only occasionally allowing his imagination to take over that he is the only child on Earth traveling a post-apocalyptic landscape with the help of his trusty robot Spark. Reality returns as soon as his feet touch pavement. Theo looks up and realizes he's reached the Cottleville Police Department parking lot. By the time Theo Banks enters the police department, he is grimy, thirsty and exhausted. Theo attempts to gain the desk officer's attention, but his throat is too dry to speak.
Speaker 2:Excuse me, officer.
Speaker 5:I'm just saying it's not the same. Give me an old-fashioned percolator Hell, I'll spring for it. What are they called? K-cups Pods? That ain't coffee. Get me a bag of whole beans, windmill black, a coffee grinder Now, that's a cup of joe, by God. Oh, I'm sorry there, little fella. I was on one of my rants. How can I help you?
Speaker 2:Um my dad, Do you mind coming a little closer I can on one of my rants. How can I help you? Um, my dad.
Speaker 5:Do you mind coming a little closer? I can barely make out what you're saying.
Speaker 1:Theo sets his backpack aside and approaches the desk. The desk officer is taken aback by the young boy's appearance.
Speaker 2:My dad. He said if there was trouble to contact Officer, officer Turtletaub.
Speaker 5:Sure son, hey, are you hungry? You like PB&J and some hot cocoa.
Speaker 2:Yes, sir.
Speaker 5:I'll be right back, okay.
Speaker 1:The desk officer steps away. A little while later, Theo is met by Officer Turtletaub.
Speaker 7:Hey you, hugh Banks boy right.
Speaker 2:Yes, sir.
Speaker 7:Can you tell me what happened son?
Speaker 2:Someone is pretending to be my dad and mommy went to check on him, but she never came back.
Speaker 7:Never came back. Is she missing?
Speaker 2:No, she went into my room where dad was and she never came out.
Speaker 7:Okay, son, I understand. Listen, I need to ask you some things that may be hard to think about, hard to say, you might not like telling me, but I'll need to know so I can help you. Is that alright, son?
Speaker 2:Yes, I think so.
Speaker 7:Were your mom and dad having a fight.
Speaker 2:No, sir. We were all sleeping until I heard my dad talking. He was in my room and it was like he was talking to someone that wasn't there, and then I saw his face and I knew that it wasn't really him.
Speaker 1:As Theo explains the strange circumstances that took place the night before, Officer Turtletaub takes note of the boy's condition.
Speaker 7:Where'd you get those scratches? I fell on the way here down a hill and that mark on your sleeve there. How'd that happen? Was that mark on your sleeve from falling down the hill?
Speaker 1:Theo trembles as he shakes his head.
Speaker 7:Can you tell me how you got that mark on your sleeve, Theo?
Speaker 2:I tried to peek under my door to see if Mommy was okay, but I placed my hand there.
Speaker 7:Was it something wet?
Speaker 2:Yes, sir, I think it was blood.
Speaker 1:Two police crews race through St Charles Street. Officer Turtletaub operates the patrol car in front with Theo as his passenger. The police cruisers decrease in speed as they arrive at the Banks residence on Camino Trail. Nothing out of the ordinary can be discerned from the outside. Officer Turtletaub turns to face Theo, who is sitting in the back seat eating a sandwich and sipping on some hot cocoa.
Speaker 7:Now, theo, I'm going to take a look inside to see if I can talk to your parents. Okay, can you tell me? Do you have any pets inside?
Speaker 2:No, sir. Well there's a goldfish.
Speaker 7:Now that goldfish isn't gonna leap out of his aquarium and try to attack me with his little flippers, will he?
Speaker 2:Fish are fins, not flippers.
Speaker 7:Well, that's a relief. Now, listen, you stay in the car, no matter what. Okay, once I've had a good look-see inside, I'll come right back and let you know if everything is fine. Deputy McGuire, he's the one with that funny mustache standing right outside. He'll keep an eye on you while I'm gone. Sound good?
Speaker 2:Yes, sir.
Speaker 1:Good. Officer Turtledore exits the vehicle, turns to the deputy and they both nod at one another. He turns to the deputy and they both nod at one another.
Speaker 7:Officer Turtledorp begins to approach the bank's residents unfastening his holster and resting his hand against the butt of his service pistol. This is the police.
Speaker 1:The initial response to the announcement of his presence is met with silence, but soon after Officer Turtledorp can hear a commotion inside, as if someone is descending the stairs, mr Banks. The front door abruptly swings open wide, officer Turtledaub backs away from the entrance, his service weapon drawn. Deputy McGuire also has his revolver aimed at Hugh Banks, who is wide-eyed and panic-stricken.
Speaker 7:Holy Mary, mother of.
Speaker 1:God. Hugh Banks is pale, shaking and completely covered in blood. He looks skyward and shrieks a blood-curdling scream. New String TV presents Leo Braun, episode 10. Limbo At daybreak, leo stands in his bathroom bracing himself against the porcelain sink. The water from the faucet is running, but Leo seems not to notice that his pager is summoning him back to the ORA. Finally, he runs his hands through the flowing water, splashes some of it on his great stricken face. His hands through the flowing water, splashes some of it on his grief-stricken face. Afterwards, he finishes off a glass of whiskey and stares at his own reflection. He grimaces and begins to tremble, gnashing his teeth. Leo erupts into an uncontrollable rage and launches his fist towards his reflection, shattering the mirror. His fist towards his reflection, shattering the mirror. Someone wraps on Leo's door. He opens it to find Jillian on the other side.
Speaker 8:I got your message. What happened to your hand? It's bleeding.
Speaker 3:Mirror Got in the way. What happened to yours?
Speaker 8:I ordered scrambled eggs, not sunny side up Understood.
Speaker 3:You have the yeah one sec.
Speaker 1:Back in St Charles County, Missouri, Hugh Banks remains prone on the front porch as both officer and deputy keep their weapons drawn. Theo looks on in horror from the backseat of the patrol car.
Speaker 5:He, he has my life.
Speaker 7:Deputy McGuire, stay with the boy. Keep your eyes trained on him. Sir Mr Banks, how many are inside?
Speaker 4:I don't know, Just one. I think he has her.
Speaker 7:Has who? My wife. I'm going in Deputy. You don't lose sight of that boy and keep your weapon right where it is.
Speaker 1:Deputy McGuire affirms the order. Officer Turtledorf enters the Banks residence with his gun drawn. Hugh Banks then stands his arms at his side. He turns to his son, Theo, who is still sitting in the backseat of the patrol car, and teases a gingerly wave Mr Banks, what are you doing? Hugh Banks leaps backwards into the house and the door slams shut. Theo can hear on the radio as Deputy McGuire calls for backup. In a panic, Leo enters the devil's den of the ORA. He's met with Captain Mangut, Willie Topaz and Laurie Stryker.
Speaker 10:Okay, the gang's all here. I'll get down to it. We have a Stage 4 possession occurring east of the Mississippi River in St Charles County, missouri, located in the Darden Township. The subject is Hugh Banks, 37, husband of Beatrice Banks, 29, and father of Theo Banks, who is eight years of age. Where's the boy? Now? In the custody of the Cuddleville Police Department, safe and sound for the time being, and the wife, beatrice, unknown, but all reports lead us to believe that she is deceased. Hugh, while under the influence of a demonic spirit, has also taken a police officer hostage. Nasty business.
Speaker 1:Leo begins heading to the briefing room to obtain his briefcase.
Speaker 10:Leo, not so fast. Striker Topaz, you're up. Transmigration subjects were pre-selected and loaded onto the slab.
Speaker 11:We're on it, Cap.
Speaker 10:Before you go, keep this in mind there is heavy police presence, so be cautious. Dispatch has gone through great lengths to set up a temporary cover for you both in most departmental databases in case anyone gets suspicious. But like in all things in our line of work, it's a short-term stopgap at best. Stay vigilant and as low-profile as you can. The cover won't last long. You'll both be posing as police officers, with Miss Stryker having the added specialty of crisis negotiator.
Speaker 11:Wait hold on. Shouldn't I be the crisis negotiator? I mean, I am the trained actor here.
Speaker 10:Miss Stryker will be posing as Lieutenant Becky Salt, who just so happens to actually be a crisis negotiator. So, unless you want to wear a wig, a bra and some high heels, we'll leave the acting for another day. Now listen up. Priority one is to get in that house and acquire the subject for some face time. Keep all other civilians and in this case that includes the other officers as far away as possible from that house. Okay, you have your orders Dismissed. Leo, come with me.
Speaker 1:A large garage door slowly raises, ultimately revealing a blacked-out military model Humvee.
Speaker 10:You wanted to know how we capture actual demons causing all this fuss. Today you'll be Tracker, not Hunter, and I'll be joining you.
Speaker 3:Demon Tracker.
Speaker 10:So I can see the wheels turning in that big brain of yours already. But hold your questions. We have to get moving. I'll explain on the way. Hop in.
Speaker 1:A behemoth of a man enters the driver's side of the Humvee. He's clearly a foot taller than Leo, with a broad and muscular frame and adorned with a lion's mane of long and blonde hair. He hops into the driver's seat, starts the ignition. As the engine roars, he steps on the gas and they race out of the garage. Now on the road. The driver of the Humvee makes quick work of the city streets and shortly they are off-roading in more rough and weathered terrain.
Speaker 10:Who's the driver, that's Gorm, of Nordic descent. A former pro wrestler from the Norwegian Wrestling Federation Went by the name Grendel. He's also the best goddamn tracker we've ever had.
Speaker 3:Hi, gorm, I'm Leo, nice to meet you.
Speaker 10:Ah, he must like you. Usually he's not so chatty.
Speaker 1:Gorm flips a switch on the center console and a display panel emits a faint green glow within the dashboard. Leo stares at the display with great interest.
Speaker 10:You want to know how.
Speaker 3:You read my mind.
Speaker 10:Think of the possession as a two-way call, a signal with two endpoints, the possessed subject being the destination and the demon as the source of the signal. As you can imagine, it would have to be pretty strong signal to travel through time and space, not to mention parallel universes in multiple states of existence. And being such an intense signal, it is equally wide ranging and therefore bouncing off material and immaterial. For bouncing off material and immaterial, think spiritual Obstacles which provide us with enough geographical and topographical information to pinpoint a location.
Speaker 3:So it's like GPS.
Speaker 10:Actually think sonar. You know how that works.
Speaker 3:Well, if being a fan of the Hunt for Red October counts, then yeah.
Speaker 10:Uh-huh, yeah, okay. So sonar uses sound waves to detect objects in the water or, in this case, on land. When the sound bounces back, the echo measures the strength and time it took for the sound to travel to and from an object. That's just basic sonar 101. From an object that's just basic sonar 101. The echoes we receive are amplified and we receive a readout of the location on the display panel. It also maps out terrain and helps us avoid smashing into the side of a mountain.
Speaker 1:Gorm taps on the screen as the sonar begins emitting a pulse.
Speaker 10:Hey, he's got something. I'd advise you to buckle up at this point.
Speaker 1:Leo straps in as the Humvee accelerates, racing off into the distance. Meanwhile, back in the capital city of Dante, jillian anxiously enters the jumping Jehoshaphat's coffee shop with the express intention of finding Sebastian. But to her dismay she discovers the mysterious man who met her on the street yesterday, sitting alone at a booth. She approaches the booth and sits down.
Speaker 8:Where is he?
Speaker 6:Ah, miss Burkett, you came. I apologize for being so curt yesterday. I neglected to give you my name, I'm Howard.
Speaker 8:You said I'd be meeting Sebastian here. Howard, when is he? Is that curt enough for you?
Speaker 6:Not here.
Speaker 8:I can see that.
Speaker 6:No, I'm sorry, I'm not cut out for this. We shouldn't speak here. You said. I know what I said, but I'm pretty sure I've been followed all morning, followed, but I'm pretty sure I've been followed all morning.
Speaker 8:Followed. Okay, howard, you see that napkin. Drop it on the floor under the table and then pick it up. What you heard me Do it.
Speaker 1:Now Howard reluctantly follows Jillian's instructions. He slides the napkin off the table, but it just falls on the bench seat he's sitting on Shit. He looks around the coffee shop and then proceeds to push the napkin off the edge of the seat until it falls on the floor. Howard takes in a deep breath and then leans down to pick up the napkin and, to his trepidation, comes face to face with the working end of a 9mm handgun.
Speaker 8:So we understand each other.
Speaker 6:Yes.
Speaker 8:Sit the fuck up.
Speaker 6:Where'd you get a gun?
Speaker 8:Demon hunter friend of mine. Now I have no idea what would happen if I pulled the trigger. Would your head just pop open like a melon, or would the bullet just bounce off of you like a caped crusader? But I have a feeling it wouldn't feel too good either way and I'm starting to get very fucking curious. If you know where Sebastian is, take me to him Now. Nod, if you understand.
Speaker 1:Howard nods. They leave the coffee shop and Howard directs Jillian to his car, which is parked behind it. Howard steers his pale green 1976 AMC Gremlin through the streets of Dante towards Sebastian's location. Jillian sits in the passenger seat with her gun still trained on him.
Speaker 8:Can this thing go any faster? From what I can tell, there aren't any speed limits.
Speaker 6:Although they were much maligned, the AMC Gremlin is considered a classic in my book and therefore must be handled with care.
Speaker 8:How much will a depreciating value with a couple of bullet holes in it speed up?
Speaker 1:Unbeknownst to Jillian and Howard, a dark maroon 1987 Oldsmobile 442 pulls in behind them. Jillian notices two shadowy figures inside.
Speaker 8:Howard. Well, I'll give you this. You weren't lying about being followed.
Speaker 6:You thought I was oh shit.
Speaker 1:Without warning, the Oldsmobile accelerates, swerving into the opposite lane and pulls alongside the Gremlin. Then the car rams into the gremlin's driver's side door. Howard's hand slips off the steering wheel and he loses control. Jillian braces herself for impact as the car careens into a newspaper stand. The vehicle is upended and the roof slams hard against the pavement, grinding metal as it slides to a stop, leaving Jillian unconscious in the aftermath.
Speaker 1:Back in Missouri, Officer Turtledove is bound and gagged in an office chair in the attic of Hugh Banks' home. Attempting to maintain his composure, he inspects the loft. Hugh Banks is standing at the far side of the attic in a corner talking to himself as he converses with no one. He furiously tugs at his hair, pulling out tufts of it as he gets increasingly agitated. Then Hugh drops his trousers and proceeds to urinate in the corner. The officer looks away and notices something in the reflection of a mirror secured by a chest of drawers. A woman, Most likely Beatrice Banks, is lying frustrated on the floor of the attic. She is bloodied and battered and if she is alive, her breathing is too shallow to tell. Officer Turtledorp suddenly gets the feeling he's being watched and turns to see Hugh Bank standing right in front of him. Officer Turtledorp motions with his eyes as if to indicate he can't speak. While gagged, the demonic spirit instructs Hugh to examine the embroidered emblem bearing his name that is pinned to his uniform.
Speaker 4:Officer Officer Turtle, turtle. Tub. So, officer Turtle, let us make some music.
Speaker 1:In limbo. A cloaked demon casting a hold over Hugh Banks instantly jerks his head as if something has caught his immediate attention. In the attic of the Banks residence, hugh Banks mimics the demon's movements, allowing the evil spirit to see through Hugh's eyes.
Speaker 5:I hear something.
Speaker 1:The possessed man walks over to the large floor-to-ceiling attic window and peers out of it. From his vantage point he can see about a half-mile stretch of St Charles Street. He can also see a string of patrol cars heading his way, sirens lit up and blaring. The demon is witness to it as well.
Speaker 4:Oh, officer turtle, I see your friends.
Speaker 1:Hugh banks burst through his front door, ignoring his son, theo, who still remains in the back seat of the patrol car. Hugh walks out into the middle of St Charles Street, facing the line of police cruisers that are bearing down on him.
Speaker 5:I'm ready.
Speaker 1:The demon in the foggy forest smiles balefully as it snaps one of the roots and watches a black syrupy liquid seeping out of the wound. The street under the three impending police cars erupts into flames and the pavement underneath them begins to liquefy, turning into boiling molten sludge. The intense heat melts the tires of the patrol cars. At these high speeds, the police officers struggle to maintain control until the tires disintegrate, exploding into fiery balls of flames. Two of the cruisers collide into each other, catapulting both off the road and into a withered corn crop. The cars furiously roll through the damaged crop, sending glass, metal and rubber sprawled in all directions.
Speaker 1:The one remaining police car still approaches as it grinds its metal rims against the burning road. The police officer presses the gas pedal to the floor, but the high temperature is too powerful as it causes a breach within the undercarriage. Flames shoot upwards using the officer's police uniform as kindling. The flames rapidly travel across the officer's body as he screams in agony. The car rudderless and broken, the Humvee slows to a stop. The massive former wrestler Gorm steps out of the vehicle. Igor Gorm runs with purpose and disappears into the gloom.
Speaker 3:What did he say? He's caught a scent.
Speaker 10:What did he say? He's caught a scent. You'll never convince me that even the most advanced technology, of which we are in extremely short supply here, will ever replace the skills of an experienced tracker. His nose has never been wrong In the meantime we wait.
Speaker 3:I'm surprised he can track anything weather as dense as the fog is out here. Speaking of out here, where are we? What part of hell is this, it feels.
Speaker 10:Like you're in a dream.
Speaker 3:Yes, exactly, I can't think of a better way to put it. It's like that feeling you get when you wake from a dream, but you can't figure out if you're truly awake or still sleeping.
Speaker 10:Leo, welcome to Limbo.
Speaker 3:Wait, the actual Limbo.
Speaker 10:More accurately, formerly known as no longer the borderland between heaven and hell, like it used to be. Since the transformation, the replacement location of Limbo hasn't been disclosed, but this place, it's been all but abandoned, just like so many other parts around here. But, I swear, when it's quiet enough, you can still hear the whispers of the condemned souls crying out like leftovers.
Speaker 3:I try not to linger here any longer than I have to. Yeah, I hear that a lot, you know, since the transformation. But what was it like?
Speaker 10:before, before the transformation, were you here? Oh yeah, I was here. All right, nothing I can say will give you the full appreciation of just how awful it really was. Whatever you've read about it. Dante's Inferno, paradise Lost, it was infinitely worse. Paradise Lost, it was infinitely worse. You have to remember Allegory Milton. They were just authors and poets who happened to be very much alive, so they had no fucking clue At first. It was just darkness. I don't know for how long. There was no sense of time. But you're surrounded by constant cries, screaming and torture. When the darkness would fade, however temporarily, you were made to bear witness to whatever. The very worst depraved, painful thing that could be dreamt up played out right in front of you your innermost insecurities and fears laid bare, vulnerable, defenseless, naked. The suffering and torment, all in service for the amusement of some malicious entity. You never see. If I'm being intentionally vague here, leo, it is only because I'm not ready to say the words. Most of us are still coping.
Speaker 3:Look, I won't say I understand, because that just feels wrong to say. But I hear you. When did things you know change?
Speaker 10:At first there was just darkness like any other day, but then it was as if the early morning began to unfold right before our eyes. It was our first dawn we could move freely and to our astonishment there were blue skies overhead and vast empty fields. Many of us huddled around a campfire that night, struggling to believe it. A few days later, there were a smattering of buildings as if they had just been erected with the snap of a finger. Suddenly, pangs of hunger returned and we were fed. Within a month's time, a city had formed. There was happiness. We rejoiced, if that was even possible. You know, in all that time before I never once saw Satan, wasn't even sure he actually existed until the day of the announcement. It was similar to a town meeting. We all gathered around and then Satan emerged and announced the assignment program. 72 hours later, I was captain of the ORA.
Speaker 3:Oh Jesus, did you ever ask why, why, why, what? Why the transformation, the assignments? Why are demonic possessions suddenly illegal? I know there's the mandate, but possessing humans, isn't that, like the whole point? Spiritual attacks on the weak, the morally vacant, those who have lost faith, the corrupt, those most susceptible to being physically or psychologically broken down, to make them question the existence of a higher power, all part of some holy battle between heaven and hell. And now, suddenly all just stops. Why?
Speaker 10:It's a good question, a question that should be asked, but for those of us here before everything changed, we're just thankful we don't have to exist in that god-awful place. I'm not naive, I'm not walking around with blinders on, but I don't think any of us that were here before are ready to question it. Quite frankly, Mr Braun, I'm not afraid of much, but I'm scared to death to hear what the answer might be.
Speaker 3:What because it could mean something even more sinister is coming down the road.
Speaker 10:Because I'm afraid there was never any reason at all, that it was just decided on a whim to create Hell 2.0. And if that's the case, then it can all change again in an instant. I see your point, but that doesn't satisfy your curiosity. I can see the wheels are still turning.
Speaker 3:Oh, I just have one more question. Go ahead. What the hell do your initials stand for?
Speaker 10:FJ, oh well now, that is the most closely guarded secret in all of Dante.
Speaker 6:Well, now, that is the most closely guarded secret in all of.
Speaker 10:Dante oh, he's smiling. This means we're getting close. Leo, keep your eyes peeled on that tree line. Be ready for anything, Gorm let's go.
Speaker 1:Meanwhile, jillian emerges from her blackout. She's sitting upside down, still buckled into the passenger seat. Her head is throbbing. She turns towards the driver, howard, and discovers he's missing. She can hear a crowd forming around the overturned vehicle as she witnesses, through a cracked windshield, howard limping down the street attempting to escape, she unbuckles the seatbelt and lowers herself until she's upright again. She kicks the windshield forcefully until the sheet of glass crashes against the pavement. Wasting no time, she crawls out of the upturned gremlin, stands to her feet and heads towards Howard, who has disappeared into an alley. Jillian reaches for her gun but suddenly realizes she is no longer in possession of it.
Speaker 2:Reaches for her gun, but suddenly realizes she is no longer in possession of it.
Speaker 8:Excuse me miss, Are you okay? Yep, Peachy hey.
Speaker 2:I don't suppose any of you have a gun. No, sorry, oh, but I do have a nail file That'll have to do.
Speaker 1:As she retrieves the nail file, Jillian notices the Oldsmobile rounding a corner and heading in her direction. She dashes towards the alley where Howard is hidden. The dark maroon car speeds up, intending to run Jillian over. Only a foot away from the alleyway's entrance, Jillian leaps just as the Oldsmobile is about to bear down on her. She lands hard, tumbling into the alleyway, immediately rising to her feet and dusting herself off until the 9mm is pressed against her temple.
Speaker 6:How curious are you now, Miss Burkett?
Speaker 1:Howard shoves himself behind Jillian, restraining her arms. He presses the barrel of the gun against the base of Jillian's neck. In the commotion she notices Howard's leg is bleeding.
Speaker 6:Eyes forward. You're bleeding, I'll be fine.
Speaker 8:You said you weren't cut out for this.
Speaker 6:I said I'll be fine.
Speaker 1:At the entrance of the alleyway, the engine of the Oldsmobile shuts off and two large men dressed in black overcoats, black slacks and black loafers exit the vehicle.
Speaker 8:You sure about that?
Speaker 1:As they move closer, jillian realizes that they are not just dressed identically, their faces are also exactly alike.
Speaker 8:Ah, twins Wonderful.
Speaker 1:The Burley twins move slowly without ever exhibiting any hint of emotion. They wear blank, expressionless faces, deep-set lifeless eyes, pale skin with crudely pronounced jowls. Their mouths remain open.
Speaker 8:Give me the gun. What? Why Twins really creep me out.
Speaker 6:No, you're just going to shoot me.
Speaker 8:Not my highest priority at the moment. How can I trust you, Howard? Do you see the two giant men in black that have us cornered in an alleyway? I don't think Hefty and Brawny over there are just planning to yell at us for not using the crosswalk.
Speaker 6:If I give you the gun. Oh, fuck this.
Speaker 1:In a swift motion, jalene disarms Howardard. He yelps as she shoves him out of the way. Jillian aims the handgun at the twins straight away and fires two rounds, hit each of the twins square in the chest. She fires one more shot that appears to miss them both. The twins fall to the ground, face down on the hard concrete below. Howard views the chaotic scene as an opportunity to flee. Sensing his movement, jillian turns and lunges for Howard, but he escapes her clutches. He trips over a trash can as he hightails it out of the alleyway, turning to face the twins once more. Jillian's blood turns cold as she witnesses both lumbering men attempt to return to their feet.
Speaker 8:Okay, so no guns. Guess that settles it.
Speaker 1:Jillian conceals the handgun in the small of her back and makes haste out of the alleyway, escaping before the giants fully recover. Once she's cleared a safe distance, Jillian resumes pursuing Howard Back in the alley. The two identical hulks slowly make their way back to the car. One of the twins swiftly moves to the passenger side of the Oldsm, make their way back to the car. One of the twins swiftly moves to the passenger side of the Oldsmobile and forcefully shuts the door. Meanwhile, as the other twin approaches the driver's side, he inadvertently steps into a puddle. Upon closer inspection, he notices a bullet hole that has pierced the gas tank, resulting in fuel spilling all over the street. Willie and Lori arrive at the scene of the bank's residence and immediately notice the fiery wreckage nearby.
Speaker 11:What the hell happened here?
Speaker 12:Has to be some of our baddies' handiwork.
Speaker 1:In the distance, the demon hunters posing as police officers hear cries for help. They make their way to the corncrop where they find two police cruisers billowing with smoke and uniformed police officers leaning against the wreckage of one of the patrol cars. He's badly injured and burned.
Speaker 12:What's your name, officer?
Speaker 13:Shepard Officer Shepard.
Speaker 12:Okay, Officer Shepard, I'm Lieutenant Becky Salt and that is Sergeant Dwayne Tipton. We're going to get you some help.
Speaker 13:I can't call it in the radio's busted. What happened here, officer? Well, we were responding to a 1038. We knew one of ours was taken hostage, but the wife hasn't been seen possibly killed. What about his son, Theo? Deputy McGuire called in the code. He said he had custody of the boy.
Speaker 12:Where is the deputy?
Speaker 13:We never even made it to the house. Before the road, everything was covered in fire.
Speaker 11:Officer Shepard, where's the deputy?
Speaker 13:I'm trying to say we never made it, Never canvassed the scene, never spoke to McGuire. It's like something was keeping us from approaching the house. I can't explain it.
Speaker 12:Sergeant, can I speak with you for a moment?
Speaker 1:Laurie and Willie distance themselves from the injured officer.
Speaker 11:What is it?
Speaker 12:So much for going undercover the fucking evil bastard barely left anyone for us to convince.
Speaker 11:We need to get these guys to a hospital, but if we call it in we risk putting more lives at risk.
Speaker 1:Before they can determine their next course of action, lori and Willie are alerted to the sound of a police siren, the patrol car parked on the Banks property intermittently signaling out.
Speaker 12:Stay put, officer Shepherd, we're going to get you the help you need.
Speaker 1:Let's check it out. The demon hunters approach the patrol car. Theo Banks is in the front passenger seat pressing the button to activate the sirens. The young boy turns the siren off as Willie approaches the driver's side door and opens it.
Speaker 11:Hi, there Are you, theo Banks.
Speaker 2:Yes, sir.
Speaker 11:Are you okay, Theo?
Speaker 2:Yes, but I'm scared.
Speaker 11:I know I can understand that, but we're here now. We won't let anything happen to you.
Speaker 12:Sergeant Tipton a word.
Speaker 11:That's my partner. Stay put, theo, I'll be right back.
Speaker 2:Are you going away?
Speaker 11:No, I'm just going to see what my partner wants, but I'm staying right here.
Speaker 2:Okay, thank you.
Speaker 1:Willie closes the car door and then walks to the other side of the vehicle. Before he reaches Lori, he sees it Deputy McGuire's body is leaning against the patrol car, pale as a sheet and frozen in fear. His service revolver lays in his left hand.
Speaker 12:Damn it. It looks like he shot himself.
Speaker 11:Or the demon forced his hand. Either way, I hope Theo didn't see it.
Speaker 1:Willie looks at the little boy sitting quietly in the patrol car. The young boy is doing his best to fight back tears.
Speaker 12:Do we know anything about the demon in question? This is next level shit we're seeing here. I'm going in Wait.
Speaker 11:Lori, let's talk about this. Of the two of us, I have more experience.
Speaker 12:I know that, willie, but you are clearly much better with kids, and someone has to stay with him. If what we've just witnessed is just the beginning, I can't think of anyone that would do a better job of keeping him safe.
Speaker 11:Okay, okay, well, let's at least weevil up so we can keep in touch with each other.
Speaker 12:What the fuck Shit.
Speaker 11:Okay, no weevils.
Speaker 12:That's it. Enough dicking around.
Speaker 11:Get that son of a bitch.
Speaker 12:Keep the boys safe.
Speaker 1:Mr Banks. Gorm pulls the Humvee to a stop when the demon trackers reach a clearing, just as the pulse emitter rapidly increases in succession. He jumps out of the vehicle and climbs in the back. He pulls the top off a large object which stands at the center of the rear hatch opening. It's revealed to be a large net launcher that is mounted to a turret. Gorm sits in a chair attached to the net launcher and pulls the charging handle, loading the first net canister. He grabs the handle, grips and adjusts the aim. Then he powers up a dashboard affixed to the side of the launcher and flips open a panel. Gorm pulls a device resembling a joystick upward until it locks in place and begins to manipulate the apparatus pushing it forward. The Humvee begins crawling across the terrain.
Speaker 10:Okay, leo, be ready. We're getting close.
Speaker 1:The pulse increases even further, he said.
Speaker 5:Okay, leo, be ready, we're getting close.
Speaker 3:He said Pretty sure. He said we're getting close.
Speaker 4:You catch on fast. Oh, cap watch out.
Speaker 1:Large, thick roots spring forth from the ground, sending dirt flying into the air. The roots flank the Humvee and violently stab at its armoured shell, attempting to penetrate it. Gorm manoeuvres the Humvee just in time to dodge a striking blow from the menacing roots. He pushes the control column forward and the vehicle accelerates, pinning one of the offending roots beneath it. The restrained root squirms in an attempt to break free. A second root rises up, preparing to strike. Gorm fires the net launcher. As the root advances towards the Humvee, the net spreads wide in the air, collides with the incoming root and swarms it with its thick webbing. The neutralized root plummets to the earth below.
Speaker 5:We dunker what we dump Earmuffs.
Speaker 10:Leo, what Cover your ears?
Speaker 1:Something underneath the Humvee is activated and a sonic burst pounds the ground. The root goes limp and begins to decay. The second root entrapped in the heavy net breaks loose and retracts back into the ground like a deadly dagger returning to its sheath. It pulls back to the grove, causing the ground to ripple, providing a clear path back to where the cloaked demon kneels its robed back facing the demon trackers. Gorm sees the fiend and adjusts the aim of the launcher. The pulse no longer releases a staggering pulse and instead issues an almost constant high-pitched hum. The console beeps and soon another notification appears on the waterfall display panel staggering pulse and instead issues an almost constant high-pitched hum. The console beeps and soon another notification appears on the waterfall display panel. The captain exits the rear seat and leans into the front of the military vehicle. She disables the pulse emitter and inspects the new readout.
Speaker 10:Oh my god, gorm, we need to fall back, leo, Leo.
Speaker 1:Captain Manga turns to face Leo, but the back of the Humvee is empty. To her dismay, leo is walking towards the demon with his briefcase in hand, gorm loads up the next canister and aims the launcher at the demon.
Speaker 10:Wait, gorm, stand down, you'll hit Leo. Leo, get back to the Humvee. That's an order, demon Hunter.
Speaker 1:Leo ignores the order.
Speaker 10:He places his briefcase on the ground and steps a few feet closer to the demon. Leo, that's a Class A demon, yeah, and what does that mean? It means it's not a descendant. It's one of the First Hierarchy, that is Beleth himself former king of hell.
Speaker 3:Oh, former king. And now what you got? A bit of a green thumb there, beleth.
Speaker 10:Leo, god damn, it Be ready, gorm.
Speaker 3:Class A. I'm a class A asshole myself. I'm the type who will tell you where to put it if I don't like where you got it. And it just so happens you caught me on a really bad day.
Speaker 1:The demon Beleth stands and turns to face Leo, revealing a frightening countenance. He is cat-like in appearance, with pale yellow skin, A low, furrowed brow with small but pronounced horns protruding upwards, Piercing yellow eyes, severed in half by black slits for pupils and ears, narrow and triangular that point upwards at an angle as he begins to speak. His open mouth hints at rows of serrated fangs.
Speaker 4:I was once a king, the mighty, the terrible, they called me. Once summoned, I would make my ingress accompanied by such grand orchestral arrangements, but, alas, now it's gone. He's taken my music. He that reprobate the defector Satan.
Speaker 3:Well, guess what? No one cares. I'm not just going to stand here and watch you make some poor young kid an orphan because you're butt hurt over losing your VIP status.
Speaker 4:Ah, yes, this Mr Banks wastrel. Yes, slaughtered his betrothed and no doubt he will do the same to his youngling once given the push. But haven't we all lost something? I lost my music. The young lad, theo, will soon lose his parents. And then there is you. You've lost something too.
Speaker 3:Not another word.
Speaker 10:Don't listen to him, Leo. He personifies deception.
Speaker 4:Both of them Such a tragedy.
Speaker 1:Leo is trembling with uncontrollable rage. His briefcase vibrates behind him. He opens it up and pulls out a large wooden bat from its interior.
Speaker 3:You want to hear music? Let's see if I can sing you a tune.
Speaker 10:Shit, he's going to get himself killed.
Speaker 3:This is for Louise and Harry.
Speaker 1:Laurie Stryker cautiously sidles her way through the living room of the Banks household until she reaches the stairs.
Speaker 12:Mr Banks. This is Lieutenant Becky Salt. Can you hear me?
Speaker 1:Lori makes her way to the second floor, she discovers the attic stairs remain extended and she proceeds to climb them. The attic is musty and smells of mildew and moisture. There's also the sour smell of perspiration. She notices Officer Turtledore bound and gagged in the chair in the center of the room. He's slumped over. Laurie checks his vitals. He's alive but unconscious. Between an antique bed frame and the far side wall under the windowsill lies Beatrice Banks. Laurie rushes over to her limp body. Both her eyes are swollen shut and her head and face are covered in her own blood. Laurie places her middle and index finger to the side of Beatrice's windpipe to feel for a pulse when suddenly Is.
Speaker 5:Is she dead?
Speaker 12:Mr Banks.
Speaker 4:There is.
Speaker 6:There is something happening to me I don't feel it, the presence right now.
Speaker 12:You should come with me, Mr Banks. We should get you out of here right now.
Speaker 1:Back in limbo. Leo continues pummeling Bella, the demon, with the bat.
Speaker 4:Why can't you leave us all alone?
Speaker 1:Leo tosses the bat and begins punching the demon with his bare fists. Gorm and Captain Manget can do little more than watch the former wrestler begins to exit the Humvee.
Speaker 5:Yas gulhelpa.
Speaker 10:No, no, you'd never survive it. Leo shouldn't be able to do this. I can't explain it.
Speaker 1:Leo grabs Beleth by the horns and hauls back for another punch. Before he strikes, leo notices something unsettling happening Unfolding underneath the demon's robe. Two tattered but intact wings slowly emerge from either side of the demon's body. Baileth's eyes widen as he prepares to take flight.
Speaker 12:Gorm.
Speaker 1:Fire. Gorm wastes no time firing the net launcher instantly. Bailiff is only a few feet off the ground when he is overpowered by the net. His wings become tangled and he crashes to the ground below. Gorm leaps off the rear hatch and rushes over to the Demon to secure the ensnarement. Leo walks over to the Captain, who looks a little bewildered.
Speaker 3:Hey Cap, sorry, I would never be intentionally insubordinate, Holy shit Leo, what was that? I won't lie, I didn't really have a plan, At least not right away. The news of my family and I, you needed some payback.
Speaker 1:Leo nods looking towards the ground in disappointment.
Speaker 10:How did you know it was him?
Speaker 3:I didn't, not at first, but that cat-like facial feature. And then, when he spoke of music, I knew it was Beleth and I knew how to defeat him the bat. There's a quote I remember from my training. Then let the exorcist or conjurer take heed to himself. Let him hold a hazel bat in his hand.
Speaker 10:You took it quite literally. I think it's actually supposed to be a wand. Well, I improvised.
Speaker 1:As Leo and the captain talk through the harrowing events, gorm quickly stands and smells the air. Then he kneels down and places an ear to the ground. It's faint at first, but there is a deep tremor that turns into a rumbling heading right for the trio.
Speaker 10:What is it Gorm?
Speaker 1:Lori places her arm around Hugh, who needed some time to recuperate.
Speaker 12:Mr Banks, I'm sorry, but we really need to go.
Speaker 1:She helps guide him towards the attic door. When he suddenly stops slapping Lori's hand away, hugh's palms begin to shake and he looks towards the attic window.
Speaker 12:Mr Banks.
Speaker 1:Gorm races towards the Humvee, pulls the driver's side open and enables the pulse emitter again. It immediately begins to pulse rapidly. The rumbling sound gets closer.
Speaker 10:It sounds like galloping.
Speaker 3:Wait a minute. And before whom go trumpets and all kinds of melodious music. And he rode upon a magnificent pale horse, shit Cap.
Speaker 1:Get, get the Humvee. Captain Mangut and Leo rush into the cabin of the Humvee just as a massive pale horse appears, even from the vantage point within the vehicle. The horse towers above the Humvee. The pale horse speeds past Bailiff, who remains on the ground ensnared in the net.
Speaker 3:He's not slowing down.
Speaker 10:Everyone hold on to something.
Speaker 1:The pale horse exposes its teeth and lowers its head, running at full tilt towards the Humvee. It rams the side of the Humvee with full force, venting the armor and overturning the vehicle. The sudden impact bursts open, sending Gorm and Captain Mangut flying. Gorm hits the ground and is immediately unconscious, while the captain lands on her back, slamming her head against the hard forest floor. Leah remains in the vehicle, battered and pinned between the seats.
Speaker 1:In that same moment, back in Missouri, hugh Banks is being infiltrated by Bailiff once again, who is regaining consciousness In limbo. The pale horse reappears, its ears flattened backwards and its lips retracted. It paws the ground, shrieks and then launches itself towards the capsized Humvee. Hugh Banks turns towards Laurie, kisses and springs forth, leaping across the attic floor. The pale horse closes in on the Humvee, lowering its head to prepare for another battering. The possessed man tackles Laurie, sending them both flying through the attic window. The horse slams into the overturned Humvee with all its might, lifting it off the ground as it teeters in midair, hugh Banks and Laurie Stryker crash land on the parked patrol cruiser underneath them as they are showered with jagged shards of glass. As the Humvee arcs downwards back towards the ground, the captain witnesses in terror as the military vehicle bears down on her.
Speaker 9:No To be continued. What are you waiting for? For only $5 a month, you'll gain early access to each episode, early access to bonus clips, concept art and so much more. So look for us at patreoncom slash shoestringtv. You'll be glad you did. You can also join and follow Leo Braun on our official Facebook fan page. You can find the link in our podcast show notes. As always, you can listen to Leo Braun anywhere you listen to podcasts.
Speaker 9:Leo Braun is written and produced by me, jason Beard. And now the amazing cast of Leo Braun, episode 10. Stitch Mainville as Leo Braun, andy Parkin as Narrator 2. Tabitha Mixon as Jillian Burkett, gary Briscoe as Willie Topaz, emily Fry as Laurie Stryker Miller, rose Johnson as Captain FJ Minkett, jim Franck as Alec. Eric Carlino as Captain FJ Minkett, jim Franck as Elliot, eric Carlino as Hugh Banks, hogan Beard as Theo Banks, samantha D'Souza as Beatrice Banks, mitch Lashinsky as Gorm, nick Mars as Officer Shepard, rob Smith as Officer Turtletaub, robert Lloyd as Howard and the desk officer, jason Beard as Deputy McGuire and Aleana Rivera as Onlooker. Stay tuned for Leo Braun Episode 11,. Mr Nice Guy. Thanks again for listening.