Leo Brawn
Leo Brawn, a new horror podcast from Shoestring TV. Leo Brawn, a former homicide detective killed in the line of duty turned demon hunter from Hell, has been summoned to South Florida to locate Phillip Weston. Phillip has seen better days; he lost his job, can't find his family and he's hearing mysterious voices and finding strange messages in his house. He is a man possessed, literally. Armed with his trusty briefcase, Leo investigates the Weston residence for signs of demonic possession but uncovers an evil far more terrifying than he could have possibly imagined.
Leo Brawn
Leo Brawn - Episode 1: Face Your Demons
Leo Brawn, a new horror podcast from Shoestring TV. Leo Brawn, a former homicide detective killed in the line of duty turned demon hunter from Hell, has been summoned to South Florida to locate Phillip Weston. Phillip has seen better days; he lost his job, can't find his family and he's hearing mysterious voices and finding strange messages in his house. He is a man possessed, literally. Armed with his trusty briefcase, Leo investigates the Weston residence for signs of demonic possession but uncovers an evil far more terrifying than he could have possibly imagined.
Starring Stitch Mainville as Leo Brawn
Jason Beard as Narrator/Extras
Logan Beard as Boy with Smart Phone
*Headphones recommended.
Created, written, directed and produced by Jason Beard
Shoestring tv.
Hi, this is Jason Beard, creator of Leo Brawn.
You're listening to the pilot episode of Leo Brawn
entitled Base Your Demons. I hope you'll find this
series as exciting as it has been for us as
shoestring TV and creating it. If you enjoy the
episode, then I have some good news. You can join
us at patreon.com/shoestring tv. You'll get early
access to each episode for free, and if you feel
inclined to subscribe, it's only $5 a month with
the subscription in the coming months, you'll get
exclusive access to bonus episodes, artwork, and
content to further explore the world of Leo Braun.
Additionally, the subscription will allow us to
continue to produce a series. We hope you'll come
to love. With that said, we hope you enjoy episode
one of Leo Brawn. Thank you for listening.
When you think about your death, you hope that
it's planned, that it's expected and it'll go
painless, that you'll go out with some dignity.
You hold out for the hope that you've said
everything you need to say to those you loved,
that you've exhausted every opportunity to share
how much they all mean to you. Well, when I did
die, none of those hopes were realized it was a
shock. Sudden, tragic and violent. I don't even
remember it. Well, that's not entirely true. I
have snapshots memories, dark room, a man with an
ugly orange tie, but the details of my death have
been documented. Believe me, I've read them.
They're on a single piece of paper. In bold black
ink filed away in a cabinet. It coldly describes
my untimely demise killed in the line of duty. It
says, you see, in my past life I was a highly
decorated homicide detective. I was reaching my
25th year on the force when it happened, left
behind a wife, a son, a promising career, and a
bitch of a mortgage. Now my life is framed by the
shadow of regrets and second chances life. How
could I have a life when I'm not even living? Who
knew I'd have to go to hell to find redemption? My
name's Leo Brawn and I'm a demon hunter. This is
Obsidian Recovery. Agent Leo. Case number is 5 9 9
8 7. Subject is Philip Weston, age 38, auto
insurance salesman, husband of Dolores Weston.
Also 38 years of age, father of daughter Alex, 12
years of age and son Oliver Nine. Subject is
located in the southeastern region of the United
States to show signs of an unsanctioned, demonic
possession indicated by signs of early stage
oppression, having graduated from full-blown
infestation hosts for trans migration is Stuart
Bender, age 27 cause of death, self-inflicted
gunshot wound to the head, expected time of trans
migration approximately two hours and 45 minutes.
Shoestring TV presents Leo episode one
In south Florida near Lake Okeechobee. During a
night of the Half moon, the silver luxury sedan
parks at the entrance of the Prairie Preserve
Hemic Trail Park. One Stewart Bender exits the
vehicle. Car left running headlights still cutting
through the night, severing early foaming clouds
of fall. Stewart is 32, blonde by eight. He cuts a
slender frame in his form-fitting rust colored
suit. Stewart shuffles through tall grass as he
sidles deeper into the forest, leaving his car at
the entrance of the park from his back pants
pocket. He pulls out his wallet and begins
emptying the contents as he presses forward ever
deeper into the forest of the park as credit and
debit cards, gym membership cards, and a driver's
license land and wet grass and weed. Stewart
reaches a clearing. He turns his head towards the
night sky, the half moon, shining brightly
unobstructed by gliding serious clouds. The light
of the moon glistens in the calmly undulating
waters of a manmade lake placed in the center of
the clearing. This illumination also reveals that
Stuart is a man in despair. Ev tears flow down his
gaunt cheeks.
I'm sorry, Ophelia. I'm not one of those people
who can risk it and it pays off. I'm the one who
Stewart pulls a pistol hidden in the small of his
back. He places the cold metal barrel to his
temple without hesitation. Pulls the trigger. His
limp body collapses hard against the forest floor.
Night turns to morning the forest clearing is
coated in deer. The body of Stuart Bender still
rests face down and the blood stained grass and
then movement. The man in the rust colored suit
begins to tremble and then without warning stands
to his feet. The suit and shoes are the same, but
this is no longer Stewart. Instead of the delicate
young man that ended his life, this man appears
slightly older, 40 or 45, ruggedly handsome.
Instead of a stylish head of blonde hair, this new
man wearing Stewart's clothes is adorned with a
close cro, dark shade of salt and pepper. A few
days growth on his chin. His name is Leo Braun.
Leo observes his surroundings and then his
attention turns to the body he's inhabiting where
it once was the slender figure of Stuart Bender.
Leo now occupies his own a larger frame muscle.
The form fitting suit feels tight, but the seams
don't betray him. He's in the wilderness near a
lake it's heart. Leo can feel the perspiration
build. He wipes his forehead, his palm now coated
in sweat. Leo notices a string of credit cards and
insurance cards nestled in the grass, winding in a
snake curvy path towards the entrance of the pop.
Following the path of the trail of cards, Leo
comes upon an empty discarded wallet and a
driver's license. Leo picks it up and examines the
license. It reads Stuart Binda. Leo also notices
wadded dollar bills. He picks up the money and
estimates it totals about $45. He collects the
contents of the wallet and puts them back into
that tight fitting sheaths. About that time, the
man has a thumping sound A few yards away. A wor
leather briefcase vibrates against the forest
floor. Leo walks over to the vibrating briefcase,
firmly grasps the handle and pulls it off the
ground. The vibration stops. Leo makes his way to
the park entrance and notices the car Stewart had
parked the night before. The driver's side door is
still ajar. He examines the automobile with all it
is like nothing he's ever seen before. Modern,
slick and stylish. Not the boxy cause. He
remembered now sitting in the driver's seat. He is
no less astonished. The interior is borderline
futuristic. I out of some comic book, Leo would've
read as a young boy. It becomes very clear. Leo
has no clue how to start the vehicle. He searches
for a key in the console, in the glove
compartment, under the windshield visor, but no
key is revealed in the passenger seat. He
discovers an odd looking object. It is black and
rubbery. There are buttons with small white
lettering and imagery. He presses one of the
buttons, a startled by a loud alarm, pressing the
button again, the annoying alarm is silenced. Now
that Leo can concentrate once again, he notices
something, a round button next to the steering
wheel. He presses it and the car ignites with a
hum. The interior lights up the dash, the LED D
panel, it feels more like a spaceship than a car.
Leo thinks moving the gear from park to reverse.
He shuts the driver's side door, releases the
brake, the car moves onto the main road. As he
exits the park, he admires a pair of sunglasses
resting on the dash and puts them on. Leo is
suddenly struck with how long it has been since he
has driven on the open road. The journey takes Leo
from the rural wooded area of the park to a nearby
town. His stomach grumbles and though he doesn't
have much time, he has to eat. He parks the car
and exit. He takes with him his briefcase, the key
fob for the car and the wallet. Leo comes across a
small festival or something in what appears to be
downtown. He notices a line of food vendors and
approaches the near food truck.
What do you like? Do you
Have Ruben sandwiches?
Alright, my friend, this is what you see on the
That's okay. Just happens to be a favorite of
mine. I'll have a gyro.
One hero
And fries. It's been a while.
One hero and fries coming up.
Leo sits at a round table shaded by an umbrella.
He enjoys his fries, the soda, and the hero. He
eats voraciously scoffing down the food with an
appetite that has not been satiated in a long
time. He notices a young boy sitting at a table at
Prosper. The boy is handling a handheld
rectangular device with intense focus. Leo
finishes his hero. He plans on leaving the food
court, but the curiosity gets the better of him.
Hey, excuse me. What is that? What?
Oh, it's Diamond Dash blue game.
A game. What are you playing it on? That device?
A phone. They call it a smartphone
That that's a phone.
So you can place a call with it.
This is what a phone is for. You've never seen one
of these?
No. No. They haven't been invented where I come
from. Thanks kid. Smartphone
A separate part of South Florida in a quiet
community. While most families begin their daily
evening ritual of dinner, one house rests below a
circling murder of crows. It is in this house
where Philip Weston and his family reside, but
Philip as an unexpected guest, and it won't be the
last Philip Weston's house rested in angle in an
unct lawn on a corner lot next to a cul-de-sac. A
modest home in the suburbs strung about garbage,
tumbles lazily through the grass as a stiff breeze
passes through a child's bicycle lay on its side
the front wheel pointing towards the heavens. The
sky is gray, and then we hear a deep gravelly
It won't be much longer now.
Long at all. I remember when we first met on that
bus heading nowhere. It was the beginning of the
end, as they say. I wonder if you remembered that
way on that same day, maybe before you Phillip
came later. When did you first noticed I had
arrived? Was it that each you couldn't scratch at
the name of your neck the first time you woke up
in a cold sweat, unsure of your surroundings.
Maybe it was the time you punched your coworker in
the jaw. You seemed so confused when you came to
that fat fuck Charles. I'd done nothing to provoke
you. You just had to squash his po face. It was
really nothing more than a knock at the door. My
way of saying hello. Maybe it was the time you
woke on your rooftop standing on the edge. That
strangled crow in your hand. You should have seen
your face and time flies. Flies just like that
Crow. Plenty of carry on. Hover above. Now just
waiting. With the patience of job, I can see them
from here. As we sit. I can see him coming to it
won't be too long. Now.
The Western residence's garage door is open and
the interior is in complete disarray, and then the
voice again
Asked a while, fill Powell Drive. You've done your
bidding. You are free from this burden or this
life. Whatever that is, save your strength for
what's to come. It's rock. Bottom right
Inside the home. The kitchen stinks of rot. Dishes
left unwashed pile up in the sink, flies and ants
swarm food left on the countertops. There is
something in the sink that looks like vomit.
Chards of glass glisten on the kitchen floor. Leo
is back on the road. Suddenly the briefcase
vibrates again, but only for a moment. He pulls
the car over and parks. Leo opens the briefcase. A
single card resembling the size and shape of a
business card is contained within. Imprinted on
the card, however is not the name and contact
information for a company, but a street address in
black ink. The cod reads 32 18 Orchard Road.
I've been on the job for only a few months now
three to be exact. The Weston case is only my
fourth assignment and the fourth time I've
returned trans migration or reincarnation as most
know it, it's a painful, shitty process. There's
phantom pains, leftovers from the body that used
to occupy the space that I'm feeling now. I feel
it in my wrists. Captain Mango says it goes away.
Not so much that it dissipates. You just get used
to it, able to ignore the pain, and you're always
running against the clock. You see, you can only
occupy a body while the soul is in limbo. Once it
has been judged, well, let's just say I better
have done my job and my ass is firmly planted in a
seat on the bus back to the Obsidian Recovery
Agency or back to Stuart's stinking riding corpse.
I'll go, and that's a one-Way ticket for eternity.
No pressure there, right? Philip Weston will be
the first illegal demonic possession that has
entered oppression that I've encountered. Now, KA
wanted me to ease into it. See, the problem with
oppression is that this is the subject that
they're most volatile. A body and mind haven't
completely broken down yet, and they possess, no
pun intended, most of their faculties and strength
combined with all that spooky, haunted house shit
at their disposal. Another way to put it. I could
think I have the upper hand and then get pummeled
by a Magnavox and I need gas. I'm surprised cars
don't run off solar power these days. Guess we'll
get there eventually.
Leo thinks the clerk as he leaves a gas station,
he's holding a map. As Leo walks towards Stewart's
car, the gas station clerk follows him out of the
gas station.
Excuse me, sir.
Well, it just seems with a car like that, you
could probably use G-P-S-G-P-S.
What's that?
Back at the Western residence. Family photos adorn
shelves on a cabinet and along the walls, Philip
and his wife and children all smiles. Philip hears
the faceless voice again.
He's very close. Now, Philip, you stay there in
your store up what served necessary.
Leo is driving again towards 32 18 Orchard Road.
But now with the help of the GBS, the computerized
voice helps guide him. Leo can't help but grin
with amazement. In the dining room of the Western
household, Philip sits rigidly in a chair. Again,
he is the recipient of a conversation with someone
he can't see
Only a
Few steps away. Now
You stay quiet out of the talking. If you obey,
If you see me through this, we can unveil the plan
in all this
Finality. You can kill them, Philip. You can kill
them all.
Philip sits still with his eyes closed, his pale,
his face and lips quiver and twitch, his eyes
open. Suddenly Leo stands at the front door of the
house. On the concrete walkway is a welcome mat
that reads. This is the day the Lord has made Leo
steps into the entryway leading to the foyer, he
carries the briefcase, which he sets on the tile
floor. He removes the fashionable pair of
sunglasses and stores them in his breast pocket.
He wly rubs his eyes, adjusting to the contrast
from bright Day to the dungeon, like feel inside.
With his vision improving, Leo reviews the
condition of the house. An opening to a guest
bathroom is located to his left and he peeks in
Aspen for air. He clutches his tie and brings it
to his nose. Covering his nostrils, the stench is
overwhelming. As Leo easily discovers a message
written in feces on the bathroom mirror, the
barely legible message can be discerned. It's a
question, who are you stepping back into the
foyer. Leo realizes he's being watched and just
across from him in the dining rooms, it's Philip
Weston who has clearly seen better days. Leo shuts
the front door quietly, but purposely Leo picks up
his trustee briefcase and makes his way to the
dining room. There are four chairs, including the
one Philip occupies. Leo takes a seat facing
former auto insurance salesman, Philip Weston.
Philip does not respond. The walls surrounding the
house seem to creak. Philip's eyes are closed.
Once again, Leo places the briefcase on the table
between them.
Philip, if you can hear me, I need you to know my
name. Since I know yours. I'm Leo. Leo Braun,
Philip Weston. Can you hear me?
Philip doesn't budge. Soon something begins to
rattle. The briefcase vibrates against the dining
room table. This time in a prolonged rumble, it
undulates so violently that it eventually slides
off the table landing flat against the dining room
floor. For the first time, Philip seems alert,
standing and peering over the table to view the
briefcase. He is taller than Leo expected. Leo
having no explanation for the briefcases behavior,
leans over to open it again. A single card lay
within. Leo reads the card and then sits calmly
back in his chair. He places the card face down in
front of him on the table. Beads of sweat form on
Leo's brow and upper lip.
Philip, please have a seat. Philip is sleeping.
Oh, can you wake him? I'd like to speak with him.
Suck my dick fucker now. Now
What if my accident or some unseen demonic
intervention, the living room curtains are ripped
off the rod and fall to the living room carpet.
The waning daylight reveals a horrifying scene.
Leo's Vasic turns from apprehension to dread.
Philip, you can let them go.
This statement seems to catch the possessed bill
of off guard and for a brief moment, he seems
aware of the surrounding. He turns to observe the
scene behind him. Bill's wife, Dolores, and
children Alex and Oliver are bound to the sofa and
gagged. Both Dolores and Alex are conscious but
afraid. Their faces shine with a mixture of tears
and perspiration. The young boy Oliver has his
head tilted towards his chest. He's not moving and
barely breathing. Leo flips over the card. He
retrieved from the briefcase in black, bold
lettering. It reads,
Kill him.
Leo Brawn is a production of shoestring tv. You
can find us at patreon.com/shoestring tv, apple
podcasts and all major platforms. Leo Braun was
written and produced by me, Jason Beard, and
starring Stitch Mainville as Leo Brawn. Speaking of
Stitch, he hosts his own excellent podcast called
Gentleman's Nighty, along with his colleagues and
pals, Rick and Magnus, a show that explores men's
issues and live in general, often with hilarious
results. You can find out more information by
going to the gentleman's nighty.com. All music and
sound effects provided royalty free by sounds,
stripe, and free sound. You can find the artist
information in the show notes. Stay tuned for Leo
Brawn, episode two, the Bird. Thanks again for